Save the dates: 2/1 is Market Day on the Square and 2/13 is the Chocolate Walk in Downtown Bellville

Monarch Butterfly Ornament

$ 16.50

There is something so carefree about the way a butterfly floats across the sky. Their wings flutter in an elegant nature, we can’t help but stare. All eyes are sure to be on your tree this holiday season with this Monarch Butterfly Ornament. This handmade ornament was crafted with expert skill, and it certainly shows in the details. The wings feature white specks along the edges of the wings and vibrant hues of orange to add to the monarch’s pattern. If we had wings, we would want ours to look like these! Add a touch of magic to your space this holiday season with this beautiful ornament.

  • Approximately 4 inches x 4.5 inches
  • Felted wool
  • Artisan hand made

  You can see all of our tree trimmings like the Monarch Butterfly Ornament and check out our holiday collection here!