Save the dates: 2/1 is Market Day on the Square and 2/13 is the Chocolate Walk in Downtown Bellville
Style Icons: Minnie Mouse

Style Icons: Minnie Mouse

Style Icons: Minnie Mouse
Who is more iconic than Minnie Mouse?
She is instantly recognized by people of all ages around the world. Not only is she the famous girlfriend of the most beloved Disney character of all time, she is adored herself! I love her for the style that is all her own and her peppy personality. She is bold, fun, and fearless, all things we love here at Coco and Duckie.
Allison channeling her inner Minnie Mouse, styling some cute fairy tale jewelry, a great pair of sunglasses and some mouse ears from Main Street Ears! - Coco and Duckie
As far as her personal and unique brand, Minnie's style game is strong. She has worked the same silhouette for decades now, and it never gets old and is constantly re-created. Hers was probably the first ever capsule wardrobe, way before minimalists made it cool. Her vibe is simple: bold polka dots, bright red top, big bow, feminine skirt, and of course, bright yellow pumps.
Allison's Minnie inspire ensemble. - Coco and Duckie
Skirt / Necklace / Shirt / Ears / Bracelet / Sunnies 
She embodies the style philosophy of classic core pieces sprinkled with fun, fabulous accents. I enjoy classics in my own wardrobe, too—staples, you could say! She wears all of the basics that we need and want, plus mixing in her own unique touches.
Allison styling some Main Street Ears with Les Nereides and a great pair of Sunglasses, we think Minnie would approve.
Like every great style icon, Minnie has a "thing" that's all her own. Hers is her polka dots—on her bow and on her skirt, tying her whole entire look classily together and punching it up with just the right amount of fun and answering the question: can you ever have too many polka dots? Of course not! A great fashionista’s look is always an extension of her personality, and Minnie is no exception.
Allison and Heather hanging out with one of Allison's style icons, Minnie Mouse! Read about why Minnie inspires Allison in our blog post ~ Coco and Duckie
Her outfit represents her bright, bubbly, fun-loving and caring qualities. Plus, her overall simple look rides the line between classy and quirky, making it timeless.
Allison with her style icon, Minnie Mouse! - Coco and Duckie
I love to emulate these style rules for my own wardrobe and everyday looks. Minnie Mouse is the perfect mix of ageless and modern. She is bold and unafraid to wear red and a bright print. She is my favorite style icon, because she is just plain fun while still remaining a classic. Who do you look up to in the fashion world? 


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