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Dyeing is Fun!

Dyeing is Fun!

No really, it is! Madeline @ Coco and Duckie recently dip dyed her hair turquoise! She has us all wanting perfectly pastel ends!


It is actually very easy to do! Madeline dip dyed my hair two weeks ago and I'm in love with my new do! Unfortuantly I don't have any pics of my actual hair but I have found some super fun images that represent the essence of our dip dye style!



We used Manic Panic hair products when we dip dyed our hair. Manic Panic's bleach and color were really gentle on my hair, so there was no dryness after bleaching! The entire process only took about 2 hours to bleach and color.


Everybody's doing it.....


Well it's been lovely, till next time!


Duckie ;)


Images via Tumblr and PinTerest

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