Once Upon A Time...

Once Upon A Time...


“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales”

-Albert Einstein


Summer upon us, so find some shade a tall glass of lemonade and a book to fall into! At Coco and Duckie we love LOVE love fairy tales! From the Brothers Grimm to Madame d'Aulnoy we adore them all!

Peter Pan retold by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson with the beautiful art of Disney's Mary Blair!

For more than a dozen years, an unassuming, quiet-spoken woman dominated Disney design. The stylishness and vibrant color of Disney films in the early 1940s through mid-1950s came primarily from artist Mary Blair. In her prime, she was an amazingly prolific American artist who enlivened and influenced the not-so-small worlds of film, print, theme parks, architectural decor, and advertising. At its core, her art represented joyful creativity and communicated pure pleasure to the viewer. Her exuberant fantasies brimmed with beauty, charm, and wit, melding a child's fresh eye with adult experience. Blair's personal flair comprised the imagery that flowed effortlessly and continually for more than a half a century from her brush. Emulated by many, she remains inimitable: a dazzling sorceress of design and color.


A staple in the fairy tale world. My personal favorite!


"Fairy tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." — G.K. Chesterton



This is a magnificent book series about the brothers Grimm's descendants......the Sisters Grimm! They live in a town inhabited entirely by fairy tale characters and creatures. Prince Charming is the Mayor, the Big Bad Wolf is not so bad and Snow White is the 2nd Grade Teacher (because she's so good with little people)! The series follows the girls as they solve various mysteries that happen in Ferryport landing. It will make for a magical read for the young and young at heart! We carry the entire series of Sisters Grimm along with fairy tales illustrated by Mary Blair at Coco and Duckie!


I hope you find your perfect summer read!


xoxo Duckie


Photos via Tumblr