Save the dates: 2/1 is Market Day on the Square and 2/13 is the Chocolate Walk in Downtown Bellville

Gingerbread Cottage Ornament

$ 16.50

The holiday season is upon us, and nothing warms a home like holiday decorations. Whatever your traditions are, we are certain that you will want this Gingerbread Cottage Ornament in your space. Whether you are decorating for an office party or your own home, this ornament has a heart that is sure to light up a room. The charming handmade details are what makes it so special. From the warm and inviting light that is suggestively illuminating from the felt window or the fully decorated tree on the front, you can’t help but smile when you look at this ornament.

  • Approximately 3.5 inches x 4 inches
  • Felted wool
  • Artisan hand made

  You can see all of our tree trimmings like the Gingerbread Cottage Ornament and check out our holiday collection here!