Check out our new jewelry from Ke Aloha Jewelry!

Purr-fect Black Cat Tote

$ 15.00

Puuurfection is hard to find, but this black cat tote is as close as it gets in our opinion!  This Purr-fect Black Cat Tote can be used so many ways this Fall!  This tote is sure to have your back when you and your friends or family are on the prowl for the premium Halloween candy. Covered with black felt for the fur and pink for the ears and nose, this endearing cat is embroidered with white to make up the darling details of the face. This cheeky kitty has a smile that is sure to light up the night and whiskers that are beyond adorable. We just might sink our claws into this one and take it for ourselves.

  • Felt
  • Embroidered with a feline face
  • 11.5 inches x 11 inches x 6.5 inches
  • Reuseable

If you like the Purr-fect Black Cat Tote, see the rest of our Fall collection!