We Love Our To-Do Lists!

We Love Our To-Do Lists!

We Love Our To-Do Lists!

Lists for today's to do's, lists for tomorrow, lists for groceries, lists for the kids, lists for gifts, lists for the holidays...and the lists goes on and on and on. 

For some, list making brings a sense a calm - all is in order. For others, a sense a dread builds within at the thought of having to reduce all of your to-do's to paper. All is not lost, dear list dreaders! We have curated some resources to help you hone your list building skill and for you list making lovers, the information below may help you find new techniques to perfect your art of list making!

1) Let's start with a FUN one! This To-Do List post is all about fall. Yes, we want to make pumpkin everything - why not make a tp-do list? 🍁🎃🍂

2) This post from HubSpot is a bit more practical. We really like their section about To-Don't lists. Check it out here

3) Real Simple's blog post is great for categorizing your to-do list style. Check it out here!

List making is not only a cerebral exercise of reducing lists to paper. Did you know that your success of completing your to do's is greatly enhanced when you have really cute list making accessories, it's a scientific fact. 🔬😉 Yes, we can help you with this, we've found pretty pens and pencils and the perfect paper products to satisfy those list making needs. To shop all the list making essentials click here.

Enjoy the resources we've found and we hope you have a BLAST making your to-do list for tomorrow!


Coco And Duckie