Save the dates: 2/1 is Market Day on the Square and 2/13 is the Chocolate Walk in Downtown Bellville
Coco and Duckie Loves Qudo

Coco and Duckie Loves Qudo

You may have noticed recently that we have added a slough of new products to an extra special collection from the specialty jewelry makers over at ...

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Styling Sparkles

Styling Sparkles

Hello, Lovelies! We have another fabulous find for you! Have you ever heard of the phrase: There is beauty in the mystery? The words Beauty and Mystery kind of go hand in hand. When we think of people who were famous for their beauty, it is said that most had an air of mystery about them. It is the unknown that awakens our curiosity. One artist whom we admire for her ability to embody this idea in her art is Patricia Locke.

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Why Buy Handmade Jewelry?

Handcrafted jewelry is inspiring. Each piece is unique. You feel a quite special when you wear it, but there's more to it than that. Handmade jewel...

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Trollbeads: Inspired by Design

There’s something special about wearing Trollbeads. Part of it is creating your own jewelry to suit your personality and tell your story. Reflect y...

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